Quotes Project Outline

I was collecting a bunch of quotes in a Google spreadsheet and wanted to display them in a project. I was also learning GraphQL, so I wanted to make my own API to query them into a Vue.js project.


Vuex is used as a global store to hold information for:
  • theme: Either set to the String value "light" or "dark". The store is where the theme is set in local storage too.
  • authorId: An integer from the Dropdown component set whenever a specific author is selected to query the results in the App.
  • tags: A list of all String values of the tags selected to query the results in the App.

Design & Colors

I knew I wanted to implement a light and dark mode to switch between.

I came up with the "pastel rainbow" colors for the "light" mode.

Pastel Colors Scheme Pastel Colors Scheme

Along with a neon color scheme for the "dark" mode.

Dark Colors Scheme Dark Colors Scheme

While there were quite a few icons I used from Fontawesome , the quotation symbols were created by me using Inkscape . I had to create a pair of open and closed quotations for every single color in both schemes.

View of Inkscape View of Inkscape



Queries the quotes list from the API. It will search using quotesByAuthorId if a specific author is chosen from the dropdown, quotesByTagNames depending on what tags are chosen, or just the general quotes query if nothing is selected to filter the results.

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      quotes: []
  apollo: {
    quotes: {
      query () {
        if (this.authorSelected !== null) {
          return gql`query authorQuotes($id: Int!, $tags: [String]!) {
            quotesByAuthorId(authorId: $id, tags: $tags) {
              author {
        } else if(this.tags.length > 0) {
          return gql`query tagQuotes($tags: [String]!) {
            quotesByTagNames(tags: $tags) {
              author {
        else {
          return gql(`{
            quotes {
              author {
      loadingKey: "Wisdom coming up...",
      update: data => data.quotesByAuthorId || data.quotesByTagNames || data.quotes,
      variables () {
        return {
          id: this.authorSelected,
          tags: this.tags
  computed: {
    theme() {
      return this.$store.getters.getTheme;
    search() {
      return this.$store.getters.getSearch;
    authorSelected() {
      return this.$store.getters.getAuthor;
    tags() {
      return this.$store.getters.getTags;
  created() {
  components: {


Queries the authors list from the API. When a value is selected, it is passed to the store for the App to use.

Authors Dropdown Authors Dropdown


Toggles the light/dark theme throughout the site. This also sets the theme in local storage so reloading the page keeps the selected theme visible.

Theme Switch Theme Switch


Tag menu is hidden unless the tags icon is selected to display the menu. The list of tags are retrieved using the tags query.

Open Tags Menu Open Tags Menu


When a tag is clicked, it's added to the list of tags in the store to influence what quotes are retrieved. Depending if the menu is visible or not, the TagsMenu sends down a prop called focusable which sets the tags as able to be tabbed to (so tabindex=0 if shown and tabindex=-1 if hidden) depending if it should be reached by the keyboard or not.


When it comes to assigning colors, it depends on the index of each quote in the array of quotes. Some of the colors have the same name when it comes to the different themes (blue, green, and red) while yellow becomes purple in the dark theme as the orange becomes pink. This is all within a computed property that is assigned to the under-card and quotation svgs to assign their color.

cardColor() {
    let color = 'red';
    if (this.id % 5 === 0){
        color = 'blue';
    } else if (this.id % 4 === 0) {
        color = 'green';
    else if (this.id % 3 === 0) {
        color = this.theme === 'light' ? 'yellow' : 'purple';
    else if (this.id % 2 === 0) {
        color = this.theme === 'light' ? 'orange' : 'pink';
    else {
        color = 'red'
    return color;

Depending on the size of the screen, there is a "show more" button for longer quotes (character length larger than 260). For these instances, a shortenQuote is displayed that cuts off the quote and appends ellipses.

Shortened Quote Shortened Quote

There is also an option to post the quote to Twitter via a sharing link.


A message if something is wrong querying the data.

Error Message Error Message


A levitating message to show while the quotes are being queried. This message is from the optional loadingKey attribute in a vue-apollo query.

Loading Message Loading Message


A message if the author combined with the tags selected don't give any results.

No Results Message No Results Message


Since I learned about GraphQL, I wanted to implement an example of using it in a project. This was also my first experience using Vue-Apollo ( which I made a post about ).

I first considered having a search bar so the user can type in something to filter out quotes, but I thought this idea was too vague considering I wouldn't know what to enter and thought giving them a list of authors they'd recognize was a better idea.

You can find the project on my GitHub .